Showing 417–432 of 2480 results
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Daniel Cell
Catalogue No: 1090280
Provides satisfactory performance and constant EMF over continuous use. Comprising a heavy-gauge copper outer vessel with an internal perforated shelf for copper sulphate crystals, a porous pot and an amalgamated zinc rod fitted with a wooden supporting cap. The zinc rod and copper vessel are each provided with a 4mm socket terminals. The cell has an EMF of 1.1V approx, with a working capacity of about 0.85L.
* Daniel CellPack of (Set): 1
SKU: 1090280 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Decade Resistance Box
Catalogue No: 1090770
Four rotary switches (with positive click stop) mounted on a plastic box to select the desired value of resistance as indicated alongside index mark on the knobs. Four different dials are having resistors of 10x1k Ohm, 10×100 Ohm, 10×10 Ohm and 10×1 Ohm. Output is available via 4mm safety sockets. Resistance Accuracy +-s +- 1% .
* Decade Resistance BoxPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1090770 -
Physics, Property of Matter Solid
Decimeter Cube
Catalogue No: 1010220
Wooden cube of size 10cm, made of hard wood, precisely cut and finished, having a total volume of 1 decimeter cube or 1000 centimeter cube or 1 liter. Each face of the cube has a square grid of 10×10, total 100 squares of 1cm each 1st row and 1st column of grid on each face marked 1 to 10.
Pack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1010220 -
Magnetism & Electromagnetism, Physics
Deflection Magnetometer
Catalogue No: 1070640/1
For studying earth’s magnetic field. Comprises a compass box as in Cat. No. 1070620, mounted at the center oF x Long base board with a 0-50cm scale on either side of compass box.
* Deflection Magnetometer, on Wooden BasePack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1070640/1 -
Magnetism & Electromagnetism, Physics
Deflection Magnetometer
Catalogue No: 1070640/2
For studying earth’s magnetic field Comprises a Compass box as in Cat. No. 1070620, mounted at the center oF x Long base board with a 0-50cm scale on either side of compass box.
* Deflection Magnetometer, on Aluminum Channel BasePack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1070640/2 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Demonstration Dynamo, AC/DC
Catalogue No: 1090600
Shows the conversion of mechanical energy into electrical energy and principle of working of simple AC and DC dynamos. Complete assembly mounted on a base and capable of generating both AC and DC simultaneously as indicated by the glowing of LEDs. A two pole armature is supported on moulded plastic legs on either side and is positioned between two curved steel strips, provided with for DC output and slip rings for AC output, selectable through a toggle switch. Magnetic field provided by a permanent magnet placed on top of curved strips. The complete arrangement operated by a hand drivan wheel with handle..
* Demonstration Dynamo, AC/DCPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1090600 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Demonstration Dynamo, Economical
Catalogue No: 1090620/1
A 6V DC motor fitted on a clamp driven by a big size pulley to generate electrical signals. A bulb will light up when the motor is driven.
* Demonstration Dynamo EconomicalPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1090620/1 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Demonstration Dynamo, Simple
Catalogue No: 1090620
Model mounted on a base, which also carries a hand-driven pulley coupled to the smaller dynamo pulley through rubber belt to give a step-up ratio. Electrical output is via a pair of 4mm sockets and a light emitting diode provided as simple output indicator. The model can also be used as a motor operating on a 6-8V DC supply.
* Demonstration Dynamo, SimplePack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1090620 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Demonstration Electric Motor
Catalogue No: 1090580
A model of the simplest form of DC electric motor, having 2-pole armature with magnetic field provided by a removable permanent magnet. The construction of the model is completely open with all components easily identifiable and functioning clearly observable. Incorporates a disc-type commutator and operates on 6-8 volts DC.
* Demonstration Electric MotorPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1090580 -
Magnetism & Electromagnetism, Physics
Demonstration Magnetic Compass
Catalogue No: 1070590
A big size magnetic compass comprising a dial of about 150mm diameter and a simple magnetic needle about 100mm in size rotating freely on carbon steel pivot and supported on non-magnetic pillar. All the principal cardinal points of a compass clearly marked on the base. Big size provides a clear view to group of students and the details printed makes it extremely easy to understand the use of compass.
* Demonstration Magnetic CompassPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1070590 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Demonstration Meter Kit
Catalogue No: 1091861
Kit consists of:
* Demonstration Meter 1 No. * DC Dial 0-1A 1 No.
* DC Dial 0-15V 1 No. * AC Dial 0-5V 1 No.
* AC Dial 0-1A 1 No.
* Resistance 1 ohm/2W 1 No. * Power Supply 1 No.
* Patch Cord 1Pair
Activities that can be performed with this kit:
* To study the working of DC voltmeter.
* To study the working of AC voltmeter.
* To study the working of DC current meter.
* To study the working of AC current meter.
* To study the working of galvanometer.
* Demonstration Meter KitPack of (Set): 1
SKU: 1091861 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Demonstration Meter, Interscale, Plastic Case
Catalogue No: 1091860
Complete assembly fitted in plastic frame with transparent front and back. Permanent magnet type moving coil meter with Accuracy +-f +- 2.5%. Basic sensitivity of meter calibrated at 5A, 100mV FSD (Full Scale Display). Movement provided with spring control and magnetic damping. All internal mechanism and electrical connection are visible. Long pointer needle with thick arrow head provides clear visibility from a distance. With zero adjustment and provision for locking pointer needle. The meter is useful for demonstrating the working principle of AC or DC ammeters, voltmeters and galvanometers, using various interchangeable plastic scales as per Cat. No. 1091880. Overall size 300x150x300mm.
* Demonstration Meter, Interscale, Plastic CasePack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1091860