Showing 1825–1840 of 6648 results
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Digital Meters
Catalogue No: 1091760/6
Comprising a 3.5 digit LCD digital display mounted on a square plastic box of size 90x90x42mm, having 4mm colour coded sockets for input. ON/OFF switch provided on top. Operates on 9V battery. Ranges available are:
* DC Ammeter : 19.99APack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1091760/6 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Digital Meters
Catalogue No: 1091760/7
Comprising a 3.5 digit LCD digital display mounted on a square plastic box of size 90x90x42mm, having 4mm colour coded sockets for input. ON/OFF switch provided on top. Operates on 9V battery. Ranges available are:
* DC Voltmeter : 199.9mVPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1091760/7 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Digital Meters
Catalogue No: 1091760/8
Comprising a 3.5 digit LCD digital display mounted on a square plastic box of size 90x90x42mm, having 4mm colour coded sockets for input. ON/OFF switch provided on top. Operates on 9V battery. Ranges available are:
* DC Voltmeter : 1.999VPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1091760/8 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Digital Meters
Catalogue No: 1091760/9
Comprising a 3.5 digit LCD digital display mounted on a square plastic box of size 90x90x42mm, having 4mm colour coded sockets for input. ON/OFF switch provided on top. Operates on 9V battery. Ranges available are:
* DC Voltmeter : 19.99VPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1091760/9 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Digital Meters
Catalogue No: 1091760/1
Comprising a 3.5 digit LCD digital display mounted on a square plastic box of size 90x90x42mm, having 4mm colour coded sockets for input. ON/OFF switch provided on top. Operates on 9V battery. Ranges available are:
* DC Ammeter : 199.9 micro APack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1091760/1 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Digital Meters
Catalogue No: 1091760/10
Comprising a 3.5 digit LCD digital display mounted on a square plastic box of size 90x90x42mm, having 4mm colour coded sockets for input. ON/OFF switch provided on top. Operates on 9V battery. Ranges available are:
* DC Voltmeter : 199.9VPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1091760/10 -
Electricity & Electrical Circuits, Physics
Digital Meters
Catalogue No: 1091760/2
Comprising a 3.5 digit LCD digital display mounted on a square plastic box of size 90x90x42mm, having 4mm colour coded sockets for input. ON/OFF switch provided on top. Operates on 9V battery. Ranges available are:
* DC Ammeter : 1.999mAPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1091760/2 -
Electronics, Physics
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Catalogue No: 1100785
* 250MS/s real time sample rate
* 5.7 inch LCD colour display 320 x 240 resolution
* Dual Channel
* 28 Automatic measurements
* Saving 10 Waveforms and 10 setup parameters
* Convenient USB Port interface
Bandwidth DC – 25MHz / DC – 50MHz
Channels 2 + External
Display 5.7 inch LCD Color (320 x 240 resolutions)
Mode Sample, Peak detect, Averaging
Sample Rate (real time) 250MS/s/500MS/s
Input coupling : DC, AC, GND
Input Impedance : 1M ohm +- 2% in parallel with 20pF +- 3pF
Probe attenuation factors : 1 X, 10X, 100X, 1000X
Max Input Voltage : 400V (DC+AC Peak, 1 M input
Horizontal system
Record length : Max 512K points
Time Base Range : 20ns/div ~50s/div/5ns/div ~ 50s/div
(step as 1~2~5)
Time Base Accuracy +- 100 ppm
Vertical system
Vertical Resolution : 8 bits
Vertical sensitivity : 2mV/div~5V/div/1mV/div ~ 20V/div
(Input to BNC)
Position Range : 10 div
Single bandwidth : Full bandwidth
LF Respond (AC, -3dB) : 10Hz (to BNC)
Rising time (Typical on BNC) : 14 ns =7ns
DC Gain Accuracy +- 4% (2mV / div, 5mV / div); +- 3% (10mV /div~5V /div)
Trigger Mode : Edge, Pulse, Video
Trigger Slope (Edge ) : Rising, Falling
Trigger Mode (Edge ) : Auto, Normal and Single
Trigger Sensitivity (Edge ) : 1 div
Trigger Level Range (Edge )
AC Coupling : CH1 and Ch2 1 Div
Internal : 5 divisions from screen center
EXT : 3 V
EXT / 5 : 15 V
Trigger Level Accuracy +- Edge
Internal : 03 divisions
EXT : 40mV +- 6% setting value
EXT / 5 : 200mV +- 6% setting value
Trigger mode (Pulse ) : = position and negative pulse
Pulse width : 40ns-25s
Trigger Sync (Video ) Field, Line
Trigger sensitivity (VIDEO )
Internal : 2 divisions
EXT : 400 mV
EXT / 5 : 2V
Line / Field Frequency : Supports NTSC, PAL
Measurement system
Automatic measurement : P K – P K , a m p l i t u d e , m a x i m u m ,
minimum, top, bottom, mean,
averaging, RMS, overshoot, Preshoot,
Frequency, Cycle, rise time,
fall time, Positive pulse, negative
pulse, positive duty ratio, negative
duty ratio delay 1-2/UP and delay 1-
Waveform math : add, Substact, Multiply, Devide
Waveform storage : 10 waveform, 10 setups
Lissajou’s Figure : Available
FFT Window : Hanning, Hamming, Blackman,
FFT Acquisition points : 1024 points
Probe Comp Output
Output Voltage : Approx. 3V, PK-PK 1M loading
Frequency : 1kHz square
Power Supply
Voltage : 100~240 VAC, 50Hz, CAT II
Power Consumption : = 50 VA
Fuse : F 16 A L 250V
* Digital Storage OscilloscopePack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1100785 -
Electronics, Physics
Digital Storage Oscilloscope
Catalogue No: 1100582
A new mainstream 50MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope designed to meet the educational and industry customer applications and requirements with its innovative technology, unique specifications, powerful trigger functions, wide auto measurement functions, wide memory depth and broad analysis capabilities. Useful for a variety of applications including Industrial Design, Trouble Shooting, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Testing, Quality Control, Education and Training.
Product Features:
* Bandwidth: 50MHz
* Real-time Sampling Rate 500 MSa/s, Equivalent Sampling Rate 50GSa/s.
* Memory Depth: 32Kpts
* Trigger Types: Edge, Pulse width, Video, Slope, Alternative
* Unique Digital Filter function and Waveform Recorder function
* Support pass/fail function.
* 32 Parameters Auto Measure function
* Save/Recall Types: Setups, Waveforms, CSV file, Picture
* Waveform Intensity and grid brightness can be adjusted
* Standard configuration port:
USB Host: Support USB flash driver save/recall function and update firmware
USB Device: Support Pict Bridge compatible prin
* Digital Storage OscilloscopePack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1100582 -
General Laboratory Tools, Physics
Digital Timer
Catalogue No: 2014190
Multiple functions, made of plastic. Carefully designed for simplicity. Easy to operate and read. Dual function timer, Counts up and down, upto and from 99 minute 59 seconds. Accurate timing. Easy to track elapsed time.
* Digital TimerPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 2014190 -
Mechanics, Physics
Digital Timer For G By Free Fall
Catalogue No: 1030916_1
Timer specially designed for use with g By Free Fall Apparatus Cat. No. 1030915.
* SMPS based, universal input voltage.
* Timing in micro-second, milli-second, second with indicators (Auto-Change).
* 5-digit seven segment display.
* Positive edge trigger and level trigger mode.
* Sturdy push switches for stopwatch & reset.
* Can be used as timer as well as stopwatch.
* Provides power to electromagnet also in Cat. No. 1030915.
* Digital Timer for g By Free FallPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1030916_1 -
Electronics, Physics
Digital to Analogue Converter
Catalogue No: 1100235
Working of Digital to Analogue Converter is just reverse of the working of Analogue to Digital Converter (Cat. No. 1100225). Digital to analogue converter circuit is internally fitted inside a plastic box of size 142x80x40mm approx. It will accept a 3-bit binary input and convert it into a 0-5V analogue output. Operates on mains 220V AC.
* Digital to Analogue ConverterPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1100235 -
Heat, Physics
Digital Wattmeter
Catalogue No: 1060946
Digital Wattmeter can be used for measuring the electric power (or the supply rate of electrical energy) in watts of any given circuit / load either AC or DC.
* Power switch along with primary fuse protection.
* 3.5 digits readout.
* Toggle switch for selecting AC/DC input.
* 4mm safety sockets.
Technical Specifications:
* Input voltage 220V AC (Also available for 110V AC, on request)
* Primary Fuse 500mA
* Maximum input for the load 12V, 10A AC/DC
* Digital WattmeterPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1060946 -
Optics, Physics
Diode Laser Kit
Catalogue No: 1110922
For advanced activities in wave optics using simple laser source.
Kit consists of:
* Diode Laser (Wave Length: 650nm, Input Voltage: 3V) 1 No.
* Optical Bench (Scale: 50cm graduated in mm) 1 No.
* Object Riders 3 Nos.
* Object Screen with Clip 1 No.
* Set of 13 Objects 1 Set
(Consists of 13 objects: Single Slit, Double Slit, object with 3 slits, object with 4 slit, object with 5 slits, Single Tapered Slit, Fine Grating, object with 4 holes, object with Circular Opaque Spot, Grey Filter, object with Mesh, Coarse Grating and object with Grid Pattern.) Frame size: 50 x 50mm
* Slit Holder 1 No.
* Measuring Tape 3m 1 No.
* Scale 1 No.
* Cylindrical Base 1 No.
* Laser Mount 1 No.
* Diode Laser KitPack of (Set): 1
SKU: 1110922 -
Magnetism & Electromagnetism, Physics
Dip Circle
Catalogue No: 1070680
For determination of angle of dip at a location on earth’s surface. An accurately balanced magnetic needle having strong magnetic field is fitted to enable its movement along horizontal axis on hardened steel pivot marking in jewels cup bearings. It is free to rotate along a circular scale divided in four quadrants, graduated 90 degree-0-90 degree-0-90 degree for reading the inclination of needle. The needle can be easily removed for reversal. Needle and scale housed in a non-magnetic metal casing with a glass window, both of which capable of rotating about vertical axis on a cast metal base. The vertical rotation can be read directly from a circular scale fitted on base, graduated 0-360 degree Fitted with leveling screw and spirit level.
* DIP CIRCLEPack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1070680 -
Magnetism & Electromagnetism, Physics
Dip Needle, Simple
Catalogue No: 1070660
Comprising a quadrant-shaped scale graduated 0-90 degree with cobalt steel magnetic needle about 10cm long, supported vertically on a circular base marked every 45 degree about which it can fully rotate. All parts except needle are of non-magnetic material.
* Dip Needle, SimplePack of (Pcs): 1
SKU: 1070660